
Battle axe mm2
Battle axe mm2

battle axe mm2

If anyone would like dimensions I can put some on the drawing. You need to drill both ends toward the middle and then tap #8 x 32 from one end only. Those hourglass standoff, because they have a hardcoat do not drill straight either. The drilling wander is such a problem on graphite and fiberglass, that it makes the method I used good enough. Note there are more accurate ways to layout and drill a project on metal. If I were making it again I would move the lower A-arm mounts about 1/16 inch back to have a wider range of casters available. You always find some little thing that can be improved. This plate came out better than the last. You can do this last procedure after removing the tape or sticker drawing from the graphite. When you are finished drop a screw in the hole and then recountersink until the head is flush with the work.

battle axe mm2

Countersink until it looks as wide as the screw head. Without moving the work, change the bit to the countersink bit. Drill, then start the countersink if it needs one. Locate the hole by lowering the fat center drill into your punch mark. I center punched with a starrett automatic punch. I layed the project out with a compass and ruler which is all the accuracy you will need (and all the accuracy you are going to get without a highspeed CNC router). Even the center punch does not like to go in straight. It has a countersink built in, but I have the wrong angle on it so I use a 6 blade 82 degree counter sink which does nice work. The shaft is 3/8 inch then tapers to a short 1/4 inch long. I used a small $60 drill press at the highest speed. I'll mention this as this graphite is difficult to drill a straight hole that is located where you started the drill point. I improved my procedure at the little drill press to achieve better hole location. I won't have to Dremmel any red to get shock clearance. They are perpendicular to the chassis now. There is great clearance for the steering links now. I cut a second cross plate for the front dual A-arm suspension to correct, wheelbase, Servo linkage angle, shock clearance, and caster.

Battle axe mm2